© Dcollinsworth All Rights Reserved
Patterns Written In US Terms
3, turn.  (127 sts){136 sts}[146 sts]
RND 5: Dc next 52 {56}[61] sts, (2 dc next st, dc next 2 sts) 8 times, 2 dc next st, dc remaining sts around, sl st top beg ch-3, ch-3, turn.  (135 sts){145 sts}[155 sts]
RND 6: (2 dc next st, dc next 2 sts) twice, 2 dc next st, dc next 48 {53}[57] sts, (2 dc next st, dc next 2 sts) 10 times, dc next 44 {48}[54] sts, (2 dc next st, dc next 2 sts) twice, 2 dc last st, sl st top beg ch-3, ch-1, turn.  (151 sts){161 sts}[171 sts]
RND 7: Sc next 70 {74}[79] sts, hdc next 2 sts, dc next 4, (2 trc next st, trc next 2 sts) 4 times, dc next 2, hdc next 2, sc remaining sts, sl st top beg sc, fasten off.  (155 sts){165 sts}[175 sts]
-Make 2. Turn one sole over so you have a left and right sole.
With DMC and O hook evenly sc around Carbone ring, sl st top beg sc, fasten off.
-Rep for both rings.
ROW 1: With DMC and O hook ch-3, hdc 3rd ch from hook, ch-1, turn. (1 st)
ROW 2-22: Hdc only st, ch-1, turn.  End row 22 fasten off.
-make 12 (6 ea sandal)
Line three of the straps up short edge to short edge and sew tog to form one line of 3 straps.  Sew this to center side of one ring.  Rep with another 3 straps and sew to the other side of the sa ring.  Measure in 2” from center toe on sole and sew straps (one after the other) to ea side at this point.  Rep for other sole.
ROW 1: With DMC and O hook ch-3, hdc 3rd ch from hook, ch-1, turn. (1 st)
ROW 2-8: Hdc only st, ch-1, turn.  End row 8 fasten off.
-make 6 (3 ea sandal)
Fold 1 tab in half and sew to center top of ring.  Fold another tab in half and measure 2-1\4” from end side strap and sew at this point.  Rep for other side.  Rep for other sole.
With DMC and O hook ch-460, fasten off.
-make 2 (1 ea sandal)
Thread tie through center tab on ring and then one end through ea tab on side of soles.  Wrap