© Dcollinsworth All Rights Reserved
Patterns Written In US Terms
Make 15 large blocks.  With yarn and needle, sew blocks into rows of three.  Sew these rows tog to make the body of the purse.  Using the purse as a pattern cut out the lining material.  Fold under 1\4” on all sides of the fabric for a hem, press.  Pin wrong sides tog and with needle and thread sew.  Fold two rows of three up and sew at the sides.  This forms the body of the purse.  Fold the last row down for the flap.  Sew large snap to center front to close purse.
 In every other st across the bottom of the top, cut a 12” length of ribbon.  Fold ribbon in half, using crochet hook, pull center lp through st, remover hook, thread ribbon ends through this lp and pull tightly.  Rep as above for threading on three beads to ea ribbon end.

ROW 1: With yarn and E hook ch-7, dc 3rd ch from hook, dc ea ch across, ch-1, turn.  (5 sts)
ROW 2: Dc ea st across, ch-1, turn.
Rep row 2 until desired length or remainder of the yarn.
Sew strap to inside at ea side of purse.