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Patterns Written In US Terms
Ladies Lilac Skirt Free Crochet Pattern
By Donna Collinsworth  of Donna’s Crochet Designs
14 (15)(16) skeins Patons Lacette yarn in Lilac Lace, crochet hook needed for gauge, 12” zipper, 1 snap, needle to take yarn, sewing needle and sewing thread.
GAUGE: O hook: 5 hdc sts = 1”, 3 rows hdc = 1”, 6 sc-dc sts = 1”, 4 rows pattern = 1”
  E hook: 7 hdc sts = 1-1\2”, 3 rows hdc = 1”, 5 sc-dc sts = 1”, 4 rows pattern = 1-1\4”
  H hook 3 hdc sts = 1”, 3 rows hdc = 1”, 4 sc-dc sts = 1”, 4 rows pattern = 1-1\2”
FINISHED SIZE: O hook: size 18, E hook size 20 and H hook size 22.

ROW 1: With yarn and hook ch-31, sc 2nd ch from hook, (dc next ch, sc next ch) across to last ch, dc last ch, ch-1, turn.  (30 sts)
ROW 2: (Sc next st, dc next st) across, ch-1, turn.
ROW 3: (Sc, dc) next 2 sts, (sc next st, dc next st) across, ch-1, turn.  (32 sts)
ROW 4-10: Rep row 2.
ROW 11: Rep row 3.  (34 sts)
ROW 12-16: Rep row 2.
ROW 17: Rep row 3.  (36 sts)
ROW 18-30: Rep row 2.
ROW 31: Rep row 3.  (38 sts)
ROW 32-133: Rep row 2.  End row 133 fasten off.
-Make 8.