© Dcollinsworth All Rights Reserved
Patterns Written In US Terms
Braid the 3 strips to the end, holding the end in a straight line, join boucle in 1st st in row, ch-1, hdc same st as ch-1, hdc next 2 sts of that strip, hdc next 3 sts next strip, hdc next 3 sts last st, ch-1, turn.  (9 sts)
NEXT ROW: Hdc ea st across, fasten off.
Sew handle to basket.

With white and H hook rep rnd 1-16 of basket.  Fasten off end rnd 16.

ROW 1: With white and H hook ch-7, hdc 3rd ch from hook, hdc ea ch across, ch-1, turn.  (5 sts)
ROW 2-132: Hdc ea st across, ch-1, turn.  End row 132 fasten off.
With needle and yarn sew short ends of side tog.  Sew long edge of side to around one mattress (front).  Cut remaining batting to fit inside mattress.  (The left-over battening will fill pillow)  Sew last mattress (back) to this.

ROW 1: With white and H hook ch-32, hdc 3rd ch from hook, hdc ea ch across, ch-1, turn.  (30 sts)
ROW 2-23: Hdc ea st across, ch-1, turn.  End row 23 fasten off.
With needle and matching yarn sew pillow sections tog inserting remaining batting and sew closed.