© Dcollinsworth All Rights Reserved
Patterns Written In US Terms
ROW 6-8: Ch-5, dc next dc, (ch-2, dc next dc) 3 times, turn.
Rep row 5-8 until lace will fit around the bottom edge of the gown.  End by working row 8, do not fasten off.
Make a second lace that will go around the font of the bonnet.
ROW 1: Ch-1, working in the end of rows (along one long side of the lace), * sc 1st so, (ch-3, sc next sp) twice, dc next row, (ch-1, dc) 6 times in same row as dc just made, sc next sp, (ch-3, sc next st) twice * rep bet ** across, ch-1, turn.
ROW 2: * Sc next ch-3 lp, ch-4, sc next lp, ch-1, (dc, ch-1, dc, ch-1) in next 6 ch-1 sps, sc next ch-3 lp, ch-4, sc next lp * rep bet ** across, ch-1, turn.
ROW 3: * 6 sc next lp, (ch-3, sc next ch-1 sp) 6 times, (ch-3, sc, ch-5, sc) next ch-1 sp, (ch-3, sc next ch-1 sp) 6 times, 6 sc next lp * rep bet ** across, do not turn.
ROW 4: Turn piece so you will be working up one short side of the lace and then across the long side, * 4 sc next 3 lps, (3 sc, ch-2, 3 sc) next lp, 4 sc next 3 lps * rep bet ** across, sl st in last row, fasten off.
-Rep for bonnet lace.
ROW 1: With White and 7 hook ch-5, hdc 5th ch from hook, ch-3, sl st in 3rd ch from hook (picot made); hdc beg ch (where 1st hdc was worked), ch-3, sc same ch, work a picot, hdc same ch.
ROW 2: Ch-4, turn, sk 1st picot, (hdc, picot, hdc, picot, hdc) in center hdc, leave remaining sts unworked, turn.
Rep row 2 for length needed, do not fasten off.
(Ch-5, sc in next ch-4 lp) across to end of length, fasten off.
Turn trim over and rep across the bottom.
-Make 3 lengths that go from the neck edge to the bottom (hem) edge of gown.  Make 1 length that goes from one end of the neck’s edge to the other.  Make a total of 6 lengths that go from the top of the sleeve to the bottom edge.  Make 1 length that will fit on the inside rnd of bonnet. Make 3 lengths of lace that will go from the neck edge of the bib to its hem.  Make 1 length of lace that will fit along the neck edge of the bib.
With needle and thread sew the three lengths of lace from the neck edge to the hem edge separating each as in the photo.  Sew the necklace along the edge so that it covers the top of the 3 lengths of lace down the gown’s front.  Sew the hem lace along the bottom of the gown.
Sew 3 of the 6 short length to each sleeve beginning at the center and working out.  Cut two lengths of 12” each of the 1\4” wide white ribbon.  With crochet hook, pull one end of the ribbon over and under one st below one of the outer 3 laces, rep on the other side.  Tie ribbon into a bow so that the edges come tog and the center of the sleeve is pushed under the bow.
Sew the last lace to the back of the bonnet.  Sew the large lace along the bonnet’s top edge.  Cut the 1” wide ribbon in half and sew to ea end of the bonnet for its tie.