© Dcollinsworth All Rights Reserved
Patterns Written In US Terms
ROW 1: With Light Blue and 7 hook join in end of 1st row of dress top (you will be working across the long edge of piece), ch-1, 2 hdc same st as beg ch-1, 2 hdc in end next 25 rows, leave remaining rows unworked, ch-1, turn.  (52 sts)
ROW 2: Hdc ea st across, ch-1, turn.
ROW 3: Hdc next st, (2 hdc next, hdc next 2) across, ch-1, turn.  (69 sts)
Work dropped threads behind sts as you make them throughout.
ROW 4: Hdc next 5 sts, join Golden, drop Lt Blue, hdc next 2, (drop Golden, pick up Lt Blue, hdc next 6 sts, drop Lt Blue, pick up Golden, hdc next 2 sts) 7 times, fasten off Golden, pick up Lt Blue, hdc last 5 sts, ch-1, turn.
ROW 5: Rep row 2.
ROW 6: Hdc next st, join Golden, drop Lt Blue, hdc next 2, (drop Golden, pick up Lt Blue, hdc next 6 sts, drop Lt Blue, pick up Golden, hdc next 2 sts) 8 times, fasten off Golden, pick up Lt Blue, hdc last st, ch-1, turn.
ROW 7: Rep row 2.
ROW 8: Rep row 4.
ROW 9: Rep row 2.
ROW 10: Rep row 6.
ROW 11: Rep row 2.
ROW 12: Rep row 4.
ROW 13: Rep row 2.
ROW 14: Rep row 6.
ROW 15-16: Rep row 2.  End row 16 fasten off.
ROW 1: With Golden and 7 hook count over ends of 3 rows on remaining long edge of dress top, join that row, ch-1, hdc same row as beg ch-1, hdc next row, leave remaining rows unworked, ch-1, turn.  (2 sts)
ROW 2-12: Hdc ea st across, ch-1, turn.  End row 12 fasten off.
With needle and thread sew end row 12 3 rows from end row 1 of strap on dress top.
ROW 1: With Golden and 7 hook count over ends of 5 rows on remaining long edge of dress top, join that row, ch-1, hdc same row as beg ch-1, hdc next row, leave remaining rows unworked, ch-1, turn.  (2 sts)
ROW 2-12: Hdc ea st across, ch-1, turn.  End row 12 fasten off.
With needle and thread sew end row 12 3 rows from end row 1 of strap on dress top.