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Lady Wisteria
Free Craft Pattern
By Donna Collinsworth  of Donna’s Crochet Designs
This project takes a doll torso, some fabric and silk flowers to create a beautiful doll fit to be displayed anywhere.  As an extra bonus you also get instruction to make an easy to put together stand for the doll.
2- 9”X17” rectangles of white fabric, 2- 10” diameter circles of white fabric, 5” diameter wooden circle, 1 1\2” diameter wooden wheel, 16” length of 1\4” diameter dowel, Antique Gold paint and paint brush, Porcelain head with 1\2 body (about 7” tall), White Perm Enamel and conditioner, Craft Glue, 2 large bushes Purple Wisteria (about 6 bunches of flowers on each bush), Sewing needle and thread, 10yd reel of 1\8” wide white ribbon

Begin by making the doll’s stand.  Paint the wooden circle, wheel and dowel antique gold.  After it has dried, glue the wheel to the center of the circle to form the base.  Glue the dowel in the center hole of the wheel to make the stand.

Following Perm enamel instructions, paint a bodice on doll and let dry.

Sew the two rectangles and two circles together, leaving small opening to turn.  Turn right side out, press and sew opening closed.

Pull all Wisteria flowers from the bushes, except for the buds.  Separate the flower petals from their plastic centers and separate petals into small, medium and large cutting them apart as you go.  Glue two rows of the large petals along one long edge of the rectangle.  Cut the remaining large petals in half and continuing glue in rows making sure to cover the tops of previous row with next row of petals.  Then glue the medium petals and ending with the rows of small petals.  Stop about 1” to 1 1\4” from top edge.  Let glue dry.

Find the center of the petal skirt along the top edge.  Measure out 2” from center, fold skirt at this point toward center and then back again to make a 2” pleat.  Sew or glue in place.  Repeat on other side of skirt.  It should now measure about 6” across the top.