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Patterns Written In US Terms
Paint the outside of a small basket white and wrap handle with 1\2” wide white ribbon gluing to hold.  Using photo as a guide glue flowers to the basket.
Cut 1-1\2” wide ribbon into 4-1\2” lengths.  Glue ends tog overlapping 1\2”.  Glue flower over join.
These can be used on the back of the Bride or Groom’s chair or a place marker or other decorations such as for a bridal shower.
 You will need 1 sheet of 1\4” thick white craft foam, about 2 yards 1-1\2” wide white ribbon for ea initial, craft glue and flowers.
Cut the foam sheet in half.  Cut out a B and A G from ea half of craft foam.  Wrap the letter in the white ribbon gluing ends to hold.  Decorate face of letter with flowers, also gluing them to hold.  If you like, cut a 18” length of ribbon and use it to hand the letter from.
You will need heavier florist wire, wire cutters and pliers, craft glue as well as several 10 yd spools of 1\4” wide craft ribbon.
Cut a piece of wire and shape into the size circle that will comfortably fit atop the flower girl’s head.  Using pliers twist the ends.  Cover the entire circle by wrapping the ribbon around it and gluing to hold.  (Clothespins work well to hold the ribbon in place as it dries.)  Cut 5-6 pieces of about 48” lengths of ribbon.  Fold in half, knot at fold and glue to center back of headdress.  Either tie a bow in some more ribbon and glue to cover the knot or glue a flower over it.  Arrange and glue flowers to the headdress as you like.  Use Bobbie Pins to hold in place.
The can be used as a table decoration by scattering a few over the table between candles or other decorations.  You can decorate vases and candle holders with the flowers.  You can add the flowers to a headband for the flower girl or bride’s maids or added Bobbie Pins or hair clips and wear in your hair or use to help hold the bride’s veil in place.  Also look nice on gloves as a shoe topper or addition to a purse.