© Dcollinsworth All Rights Reserved
Patterns Written in US Terms
Glue at snap at each end of neck band.
ROW 1: With black thread and 7 hook ch-50, hdc 3rd ch from hook, hdc ea ch across, ch-2, turn.  (48 sts)
ROW 2-45: Hdc ea st across, ch-2, turn.
ROW 46: Hdc dec next 2 sts, hdc next 10, 2 hdc next, hdc next 22, 2 hdc next, hdc next 10, ch-2, turn.  (48 sts)
ROW 47: Hdc ea st across, ch-2, turn.
ROW 48-51: Rep rows 46-47 alternating.
ROW 52: Hdc dec next 2 sts, hdc across to last 2, hdc dec, ch-2, turn.  (46 sts)
ROW 53: Rep row 47.
ROW 54: Rep row 52.  (44 sts)
ROW 55: Rep row 47.
ROW 56: Hdc dec next 2 sts, hdc next 5, ch-10, sk 6 sts, hdc next 17, ch-10, sk 6 sts, hdc next 5, hdc dec next 2, ch-2, turn.  (49 hdc + ch)
ROW 57: Hdc dec next 2 sts, hdc across ea st and ch to last 2, hdc dec, ch-2, turn.  (47 sts)
ROW 59: *(Hdc dec next 2 sts, hdc next 2 sts) 3 times, hdc dec next 2*,  hdc next 17, rep between * *, ch-2, turn.  (37 sts)
ROW 60: *(Hdc dec next 2 sts, hdc next 2 sts) twice, hdc dec next 2*, hdc next 17, rep between * *, ch-2, turn.  (31 sts)
ROW 61: *(Hdc dec next 2 sts, hdc next st) twice, hdc dec next 2*, hdc next 15, rep between * *, ch-2, turn.  (25 sts)
ROW 62: Hdc next 3 sts, (hdc dec next 2, hdc next 2) 4 times, hdc next, hdc dec next 2, hdc next 3, fasten off.  (21 sts)
ROW 1: With Black and 7 hook join in bottom first row of coat, ch-2, hdc same st as ch-1, evenly work hdc across ea row working 2 hdc in turn on side, hdc ea st along back (21 sts), hdc evenly ea row across other side working 2 hdc in turn on side, fasten off.
ROW 2: Working in BACK LOOPS join white in end of row 1, ch-2, hdc same st as ch-2, hdc ea st across to back, hdc next 5, hdc dec next 2, hdc next 6 hdc dec next 2, hdc ea st across, ch-2, turn.
ROW 3: Working in BACK LOOPS, hdc ea st to back, hdc next 5, hdc dec next 2, hdc next 4, hdc dec next 2, hdc ea st across, fasten off.
ROW 4: Fold coat in half to find center back, measure down 1 1\2" on rt side from center back, join white at that st, ch-1, sc same st as ch-1, sc next 2 sts, *hdc next 4, 2 dc next, hdc next 4*, sc next 8, rep between * *, sc next 3, turn.  (34 sts)
ROW 5: Sl st next st, sc next 2 sts, *hdc next 4, 2 dc next 2, hdc next 4*, sc next 8, rep between * *, sc next 2, sl st next, turn.  (36 sts)
ROW 6: Sl st next st, working in FRONT LOOPS sc next st, *hdc next 4, 2 dc next 4, hdc next 4*, sc next 8, rep between * *, sc next, sl st next, fasten off.  (42 sts)