© Dcollinsworth All Rights Reserved
Patterns Written in US Terms
RND 10: (2 dc next st dc next 2 sts) 3 times, hdc ea st to ch-1 sp, (dc, ch-1, dc) in ch-1 sp, hdc next 24 sts, rep bet () 6 times, hdc next 5 sts, hdc dec next 2 sts, hdc 6 sts, rep bet () 3 times, sl st top beg dc, ch-1, turn.  (107 sts)
RND 11: Dc next 13 sts, hdc next 5, hdc dec next 2 sts, hdc next 5, dc next 24, hdc ea st to ch-1 sp, (dc, ch-1, dc) in ch-1 sp, hdc next 23, dc in remaining sts, sl st top beg dc, ch-2, turn.  (108 sts)
RND 12: [2 dc next st, dc next 2 sts] 4 times, hdc ea st to ch-1 sp, (dc, ch-1, dc) ch-1 sp, hdc next 25, rep bet [] 8 times, hdc next 5, sl st next 3 sts, hdc next 4, rep bet [] 4 times, sl st top beg dc, fasten off.  (128 sts)
-Make 1
MEDIUM HEART (7” X 9-1\2”):
Rnd 1-7: With lavender rep 1-7 of large heart.
RND 8: [2 dc next st, dc next 2 sts] twice, hdc ea st to ch-1 sp, (dc, ch-1, dc) ch-1 sp, hdc next 17 sts, rep bet [] 4 times, hdc next 5, sl st next 3, hdc next 6, rep bet [] twice, sl st top beg dc, fasten off.  (81 sts)  -Make 1
SMALL HEART (4” X 6”):
RND 1-4: With Raspberry yarn rep rnd 1-4 of large heart.
RND 5: [2 dc next st, dc next st] 3 times, hdc next 2, sl st next 3, hdc next 2, rep bet [] 6 times, hdc ea st to ch-1 sp, (dc, ch-1, dc) in ch-1 sp, hdc next 9, rep bet [] 3 times, sl st top beg dc, fasten off.  (62 sts)  -Make 1
BABY HEART (2-1\2” X 4-1\4”):
RND 1-2: With yarn rep rnd 1-2 of large heart.
RND 3: 2 hdc next 2 sts, hdc next 3, sl st next 3, 2 hdc next 4, hdc ea st to ch-1 sp, (dc, ch-1, dc) in ch-1 sp, hdc next 7, 2 hdc last 2 sts, sl st top beg hdc, fasten off.  (39 sts)
-Make one in Light Pink, 1 in Raspberry and 1 in Lavender
ROW 1: With yarn and H hook ch-7, hdc 2nd ch from hook, hdc ea ch across, ch-1, turn.  (6 sts)
ROW 2: Hdc ea st across, ch-1, turn.
Rep row 2 until piece measures 28” long. -Make 1 in Light Pink, 1 in Raspberry and 1 in Lavender
ROW 1: With Light Pink and H hook ch-5, hdc 2nd ch from hook, hdc ea ch across, ch-1, turn.
ROW 2-18: Hdc ea st across, ch-1, turn.  At the end of row 18 fasten off.
With needle and matching thread sew pocket to back of large heart.  Lay raspberry heart and lavender heart on largest heart and sew.  Sew ea crochet ribbon to the back of the largest heart.  Sew a baby heart to ea ribbon.