© Dcollinsworth All Rights Reserved
Patterns Written in US Terms
ch-2, 2 dc) next ch-2 sp, ch-1, sk next dc, dc next dc, ch-1 * , rep bet ** around, sl st ch-3 of beg ch-4, fasten off.
ROW 1: With J hook and yarn join in any ch-2 sp on block, ch-3 (1st dc), dc ea st and ch-1 sp across to next ch-2 sp, dc that sp, leaving remaining sts unworked, turn.
ROW 2-3:  Ch-3, dc ea st across, turn.  At the end of row 3 fasten off.
Rep rows 1-3 on other side of block. Make one block in ea color of yarn. Sl st tog as illustrated.

ROW 1: With J hook and Prairie yarn join in corner of block A, ch-3 (1st dc), evenly dc across top block A & B to corner ch-2 sp, (2 dc, ch-2 2dc) same sp, evenly dc down the side of B & D to next corner ch-2 sp, dc that sp, leaving remaining sts unworked, turn.
ROW 2-5: Ch-3, dc ea st across working (2 dc, ch-2, 2 dc) in ch-2 corner sp, turn.  At the end of row 5 fasten off.
ROW 6: Turn piece so you are now working in the blocks D, C & A, join Ranch last st of Prairie, ch-3, dc ends of row 2-5, evenly dc across D & C to ch-2 sp, (2 dc, ch-2, 2 dc) same sp, evenly dc across C & A and ends of rows 1-5, turn.
ROW 7-10: Rep row 2-5, fastening off end of row 10.
ROW 11: With rt sides facing join Sierra in Prairie ch-2 sp, ch-3, dc ea st across to ch-2 sp, (2 dc, ch-2, 2 dc) same sp, dc ea st and end of row across next side, leaving remaining sts unworked, turn.
ROW 12-15: Rep row 2-5, fastening off at end of row 15.
ROW 16: Turn piece so you are now working the two sides not previously just worked, join Mediterranean end side, ch-3, dc ea st and row across to next ch-2 sp, (2 dc, ch-2, 2 dc) same sp, dc ea st and row across to end that side, leaving remaining sts unworked, turn.
ROW 17-20: Rep row 2-5, fastening off end row 20.

RND 1: With Ranch & J hook join in ch-2 sp, (dc, ch-2, 2 dc) same sp, dc across side, (2 dc, ch-2, 2 dc) in corner st, dc across to ch-2 sp, (2 dc, ch-2, 2 dc) same sp, dc across, (2 dc, ch-2, 2 dc) corner, dc across, sl st top beg ch-3, fasten off.