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Patterns Written in US Terms
Granny Square Teddy Free Crochet Pattern
6 oz.Aqua\lemon Bernat Baby Coordinates yarn, size F, needle to take thread, stuffing, yellow embroidery thread with needle and 1 yd 1” wide ribbon.
 FINISHED SIZE:  17 1\2” tall  Gauge:   1 sq. = 1”

With yarn and F hook ch-4 sl st to form a ring.
RND 1: Ch-1, (3 sc, ch-2) 4 times in ring, sl st top beg sc, turn.
RND 2: Ch-1, sc same st as ch-1, sc ea st to ch-2 lp, * (sc, ch-2, sc) ch-2 lp, sc next 3 sts * rep bet ** 3 times, rep bet () next ch-2 lp, sl st top beg sc, fasten off.  Make 108 full blocks.
 With yarn and F hook, ch-4, sl st to form a ring.
RND 1: Ch-1, (3 sc, ch-2) twice in ring, turn.
RND 2: Ch-1, sc same st as ch-1, sc next 2 sts, (sc, ch-2, sc) next ch-2 lp, sc last 3 sts, fasten off. Make 36 half blocks.
Following the graph, sew all the blocks together except for 12 half blocks, making two bear bodies.  Sew the 12 half blocks into 3 sets of four.  These will be the ears and nose for the bear.  Sew one ear either side of bear head on back body of the bear.  Lay the bodies tog, with yarn and F hook join through both sts any st on bear, ch-1, sc through both sts beg ch-1.  Evenly work sc through both layers around the body of the bear and working 3 sc in ea ch lp on any half block.  It’s easier to stuff as you go and you will needed to sew the front of the head to the ears.  Embroidery a nose and mouth on nose piece.  Sew to front of the face and stuff lightly.  Embroider eyes on ea side of the nose.  Tie ribbon around bear’s neck.
By Donna Collinsworth
of Donna’s Crochet Designs