© Dcollinsworth All Rights Reserved
Patterns Written in US Terms
ROW 2-85: Hdc ea st across, ch-1, turn.  End row 85 fasten off.
Cut the 8 heart springs in half.  Arrange the cut springs onto the front of the purse in four rows of four springs ea.  Take the cut end of ea spring and twist several rings to the back of the piece.  This will take several attempts to get them all spaced right and in line.  With needle and yarn sew the springs to the back of the piece.
Using the front as a guide, cut one out of your lining material.  Fold edges under so that there is about a 1\4” space bet it and the front of the purse when laid tog.  With needle and thread sew lining to wrong side of front in order to cover the springs.
Sew the long edge of the side-bottom around 3 sides of the front.  Sew the back to this.
Sew one gusset long one long edge and across the side along top edge of purse.  Rep with other gusset on other side-there will be an over-lap of 2 stitches.
Sew strap to ea side of purse.
Springs Sewn to Purse