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Patterns Written in US Terms
Eyelash Yarn Lamp Shade Cover Free Crochet Pattern
1 skein Raspberry Lion Brand Fun Fur eyelash yarn, F hook, small 7-1\2” tall lampshade and double-sided tape.
RND 1: (This will be the top of the lampshade)  With Raspberry and F hook ch-64, sl st to from a ring, ch-1, work a hdc in ea ch around, sl st top beg hdc, ch-1, turn.  (64 sts)
RND 2: Hdc ea st around, sl st top beg hdc, ch-1, turn.
RND 3: Sc next st, (ch-6, sk 3 sts, sc next st,) around ending with ch-6, sk 3 sts, sl st top beg sc, turn.
RND 4: Sl st to next lp, ch-1, sc sa lp, (ch-6, sc next lp) around ending with ch-6, sl st top beg sc, turn.
RND 5-14: Rep rnd 4.
RND 15: Sl st to next lp, ch-1, (work 9 hdc) in ea lp around, sl st top beg hdc, ch-1, turn.  (135 sts)
RND 16: Hdc ea st around, sl st top beg hdc, fasten off.
Slide lampshade cover over the lampshade.  Run a line of double-side tap around the top of the lampshade.  Line rnd 1 up with the top of the shade and sick down.  Rep for the bottom edge stretching cover to fit.
By Donna Collinsworth
of Donna’s Crochet Designs