© Dcollinsworth All Rights Reserved
Patterns Written in US Terms
Rep as you did for the top of the rug across the bottom.
ROW 1: With white yarn and H hook ch-2, sc 2nd ch from hook, turn. (1 st)
ROW 2: Ch-8, sl st in st, turn.
ROW 3: Press lp to back of work, Ch-1, 2 sc in st, turn.  (2 sts)
ROW 4: * Ch-8, sl st next st * rep bet ** across, turn.
ROW 5: Press lps to back of piece, ch-1, sc next st, 2 sc next st, turn.  (3 sts)
ROW 6: Rep row 4.
ROW 7: Press lps to back of piece, ch-1, 2 sc next st, sc ea st across, turn.  (4 sts)
ROW 8: Rep row 4.
ROW 9: Press lps to back of work, ch-1, sc across, turn.
ROW 10: Rep row 4.
ROW 11: Press lps to back of piece, sk 1st st, ch-1, sc ea st across, turn.  (3 sts)
ROW 12: Rep row 4.
ROW 13: Press lps to back of work, ch-1, sc next st, sk next st, sc next st, turn.  (2 sts)
ROW 14: Rep row 4.
ROW 15: Press lps to back of work, ch-1, sk next st, sc last st, fasten off.  (1 st)
-Make six petals for ea flower.  5 flowers = 30 petals
With Country Rose yarn and H hook ch-3, sl st to form a ring.
RND 1: Ch-1, work 8 sc in ring, sl st top beg sc, ch-1, turn.  (8 sts)
RND 2: *Ch-8, sl st next st * rep bet ** around, turn.
RND 3: Press lps to back of piece, ch-1, 2 sc in ea st around, sl st top beg sc, turn.  (16 sts)
RND 4: Rep rnd 2,
RND 3: Press lps to back of piece, Ch-1, sc next st, (2 sc next st, sc next 2 sts) around, fasten off.  (21 sts)
-Make 1 for ea of the 5 flowers.
With needle and matching yarn sew to center portions of the rug forming flowers.