© Dcollinsworth All Rights Reserved
Patterns Written in US Terms
ROW 1: With yarn and H hook join in 1st free st rnd 20 of cover after last petal made, ch-1, (sc, dc) same st as ch-1, (sc, dc) next st, (sc next st, dc next st) twice, (sc, dc) next 2 sts, leave remaining sts unworked, ch-1, turn.  (10 sts)
ROW 2-12: Rep row 2-12 of 1st petal.
Make a total of 6 petals.
With yarn and H hook join in any st on any petal, ch-1, sc same st as ch-1, evenly sc ea st and end of row around ea petal in one large rnd, sl st top beg sc, fasten off.
Cut wire long enough to go around one petal.  Weave wire under edging sts to give it more stability and pose ability.  Do this around ea petal.  With needle and thread tack one petal to then next over lapping.  Sew four 6 mm pearls down stem of cover.
Place glue dots around the outside edge of your plastic floral bouquet holder and insert into crochet cover.  Rnd 20 of the cover will come up to the line of glue dots and secure.