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Free Crochet Pattern Glamour Gown w Cape for  13” Baby Doll
    Size 10 crochet thread in White, Bernat Boa yarn in Dove (White), size 7 & H hooks or hooks needed to obtain gauge, 700 size 8mm silver sequins, large eye beading needle, 3 small snaps, needle and sewing thread.
     GAUGE: Thread: 8 hdc sts = 1”, 3 rows pattern (hdc\dc) = 1”.  Boa: 4 rows hdc = 1”, 4 hdc sts = 1”
     FINISHED SIZE:  Will fit large size Baby Bratz Doll
     With large eye beading needle thread 507 (about 5 to 6”) of sequins on White crochet thread, remove beading needle.
     RND 1: With White thread and 7 hook ch-76, sl st to form a ring, ch-1, hdc ea ch around, sl st top beg hdc, ch-1, turn.  (76 sts)
     RND 2: (Slide sequin, hdc next 2 sts) around, sl st top beg hdc, turn.
     RND 3: Ch-3 (does not count), dc ea st around, sl st top beg ch-3, ch-1, turn.
      RND 4-25: Rep rnd 2-3 alternating.
     RND 26: Rep rnd 2, fasten off.
     With large eye beading needle and White crochet thread, thread on remaining sequins, remove beading needle.
     ROW 1: With White thread and 7 hook count over 7 sts rnd join on rnd 26 of skirt, join that st, ch-1, (Dc dec next 2 sts, dc next st) 5 times, dc next 33 sts, rep bet () 4 times, dc dec next 2 sts, leave remaining sts unworked, ch-1, turn.  (52 sts)
     ROW 2: (Slide sequin, hdc next 2 sts) across, ch-1, turn.
     ROW 3: (Dc dec next 2 sts, dc next st) 4 times, dc next 29, rep bet () 3 times, dc dec last 2 sts, ch-1, turn.  (44 sts)
     ROW 4: Rep row 2.
By Donna Collinsworth of Donna’s Crochet Designs