© Dcollinsworth All Rights Reserved
Patterns Written in US Terms
ROW 7: Sk next st, sc next 2 sts, ch-1, turn.  (2 sts)
ROW 8: Sk next st, sc next st, ch-1, fasten off.  (1 st)
Peppermint Base (Make 2):
Carry unused yarns behind sts as you work.
With white yarn and H hook ch-4, sl st to form a ring.
RND 1: Ch-1, sc in ring, join red, drop white, sc in ring, (drop red, pick up white, sc in ring, drop white, pick up red, sc in ring) 3 times, sl st top beg sc, ch-1, turn.  (8 sts)
 RND 2: Sc next st, drop red, pick up white, sc sa st, (sc next st, drop white, pick up red, sc sa st, sc next st, drop red, pick up white, sc sa st) twice, sc next st, drop white, pick up red, sc sa st, drop red, pick up white, sl st top beg sc, ch-1, turn.  (16 sts)
RND 3: Sc next 2 sts, (drop white, pick up red, sc next 2 sts, drop red, pick up white, sc next 2 sts) around ending, drop white, pick up red, sc last 2 sts, sl st top beg sc, ch-1, turn.
RND 4: Sl 1st st, 2 sc next st, sc next st, (drop red, pick up white, 2 sc next st, sc next st, drop white, pick up red, 2 sc next st, sc next st) around ending, drop red, pick up white, 2 sc next st, sc last st, sl st top beg sc, ch-1, turn.  (24 sts)
RND 5: Sc next 2 sts, (drop white, pick up red, sc next 3 sts, drop red, pick up white, sc next 3 sts) around ending, drop white, pick up red, sc next 3 sts, drop red, pick up white, sc last st, sl st top beg sc, ch-1, turn.
RND 6: 2 sc next st, sc next st, (drop white, pick up red, 2 sc next 2 sts, sc next st, drop red, pick up white, 2 sc next 2 sts, sc next st) around ending, drop white, pick up red, 2 sc next 2 sts, sc next st, drop red, pick up white, 2 sc last st, sl st top beg sc, ch-1, turn.  (40 sts)
RND 7: 2 sc next st, (drop white, pick up red, sc next 2 sts, 2 sc next, sc next, 2 sc next, drop red, pick up white, sc next 2 sts, 2 sc next, sc next, 2 sc next) around ending drop white, pick up red, sc next 2 sts, 2 sc next, sc next, 2 sc next, drop red, pick up white, sc next 2 sts, 2 sc next, sc last st, sl st top beg sc, ch-1, turn.  (56 sts)
RND 8: Sc next 6 sts, (drop white, pick up red, sc next 7 sts, drop red, pick up white, sc next 7 sts) around ending with drop white, pick up red, sc next 7 sts, drop red, pick up white, sc last st, sl st top beg sc, fasten off.
Base’s Side:
ROW 1: With white and H hook ch-4, sc 2nd ch from hook, sc ea ch across, ch-1, turn.  (3 sts)
ROW 2-5: Sc ea st across, ch-1, turn.
ROW 6: Sc ea st across, join red, fasten off white, ch-1, turn.
ROW 7-11: Sc ea st across, ch-1, turn.
ROW 12: Sc ea st across, join white, fasten off red, ch-1, turn.
ROW 13: Sc ea st across, ch-1, turn.
ROW 14-49: Rep row 2-13 in order for a total of 3 times.
ROW 50-60: Rep row 2-12.  At the end of row 60 fasten off.