© Dcollinsworth All Rights Reserved
Patterns Written in US Terms
Flower Center:
Row 1: With Sunshine State and J hook ch-12, hdc 3rd ch from hook, hdc ea ch across, ch-1, turn.  (10 sts)
Row 2-3: 2 hdc 1st st, hdc ea st across to last st, 2 hdc last st, ch-1, turn.  End row 3 join Ranch, fasten off Sunshine State.  (12 sts)(14 sts)
Rnd 4: Evenly sc ea st and end of row around working 2 sc in curve sts, fasten off.
Putting The Purse Together:
Sew the stripe section tog to form a tube.  Sew the bottom to one end of the tube.  Arrange the 4 petals and center on the purse across the top edge.  Overlap the petals and center slightly and then sew in place.  With Ranch yarn go back and make Chris-cross pattern across the center.  Sew purse handle to purse along upper edge.