© Dcollinsworth All Rights Reserved
Boot Top:
Row 1: With Black and H hook ch-36, sc 2nd ch from hook, sc ch st across, ch-1, turn.  (35 sts)
Row 2-6: Sc ea st across, ch-1, turn.
Row 7: Sc next 20 sts, hdc next, 2 dc next, 3 trc next, 2 dc next, hdc next, sc last 8 sts, ch-1, turn.  (41 sts)
Row 8: Sc next 8 sts, hdc next, 2 dc next 2, 2 trc next 3, 3 trc, 2 trc next 3, 2 dc next 2, hdc next st, sc last 20 sts, ch-1, turn.  (54 sts)
Row 9: Sc ea st across, fasten off.
-Make 2.  Over lap last 3 sts of rnd 3 with 1st 3 sts and sew through all thickness.  Sew boot top to sole easing sts at the toe.  Sew 2 snaps to opening of both boots.

Rnd 1: With Pale Plum and H hook ch-8, hdc 3rd ch from hook, hdc next 4 ch, 3 hdc last ch, turn so you will now be working across the bottom of the foundation ch (in bottom of sts just made), hdc next 4, 2 hdc last, sl st top beg hdc, ch-1, turn.  (14 sts)
Rnd 2: 2 hdc next 2 sts, hdc next 4, 2 hdc next 3, hdc next 4, 2 hdc last st, sl st top beg hdc, ch-1, turn.  (20 sts)
Rnd 3: 2 hdc next 2 sts, hdc next 4, 2 hdc next 6, hdc next 4, 2 hdc last 4 sts, sl st top beg hdc, ch-1, turn.  (32 sts)
Rnd 4: Bk Lp Hdc ea st around, sl st top beg hdc, ch-1, turn.
Rnd 5-10: Hdc ea st around, sl st top beg hdc, ch-1, turn.  End rnd 10 fasten off.

Handles For Tote:
Row 1: With Black and H hook ch-2, hdc 2nd ch from hook, ch-1, turn.  (1 st)
Row 2-14: Hdc only st, ch-1, turn.  End row 14 fasten off.
-Make 2.  Make 4 flowers in Aran.  Sew 2 to ea side with a French knot in Yellow yarn.  Fold sides of tote in and tack in place.  Sew handles to tote.