© Dcollinsworth
ROW 42-75: Hdc ea st across, ch-1, turn.  End row 75 fasten off.
ROW 76: With Red and 7 hook join next free st end row 5 (you are joining onto row 4), ch-1, hdc same st as beg ch-1, hdc last 2 sts, ch-1, turn.  (3 sts)
ROW 77-115: Hdc ea st across, ch-1, turn.  End row 115 fasten off.
ROW 116: With Red and 7 hook join in last st, last strip worked, ch-1, hdc same st as beg ch-1, hdc next 2 sts, (hdc next 3 sts of next strip) twice, to connect all strips, ch-1, turn.  (9 sts)
ROW 117-120: Hdc ea st across, ch-1, turn.  End row 120 fasten off.
Sew two snaps at ends to fasten bracelet.