© Dcollinsworth All Rights Reserved
Patterns Written In US Terms
ROW 1: With White crochet thread and E hook (ch-4, dc in 4th ch from hook) 5 times, turn.
ROW 2: Ch-1, sc around 1st dc lp, ch-3, sc next lp, ch-3, (sc, ch-5, sc) next lp, ch-3, sc next lp, leave remaining lp unworked.
ROW 3: Ch-4, sk 1st ch-3 sp, ch-2, (6 trc, ch-3, 7 trc) in ch-5 sp, sc next ch-3 sp, ch-2, sc next ch-3 sp, leave remaining unworked, turn.
ROW 4: Ch-4, sk next 2 sc, (trc next trc, ch-1) 7 times, (trc, ch-1, trc, ch-3, trc, ch-1, trc) next ch-3 sp, (ch-1, trc next trc) 6 times, ch-1, trc in ch-4 sp, (sc, ch-2, sc) in last lp left from row 1, turn.
ROW 5: Ch-4, sk ch-2 sp, trc 1st ch-1 sp, work 2 trc in ea ch-1 sp and (2 trc, ch-3, 2 trc) in ch-3 sp across to last ch-1 sp, 2 trc last ch-4, sp, sc end row 2.
ROW 6: Ch-3, sk next sc, (sc next trc, ch-3, sk next trc) 10 times, (sc, ch-3) twice in ch-3 sp, sk next trc, (sc next trc, ch-3) 9 times, (sc, ch-4 sc) next sp, ch-3, dc in 5th lp from row 1, turn.
ROW 7: Ch-2 (sc next, ch-2, sc) in ea ch-3 sp across, sl st sk dc lp row 1.
 ROW 1: (ch-4, dc in 4th ch from hook) 5 times, turn.
 ROW 2-6: Rep row 2-6 of 1st motif.
 ROW 7: Ch-1, sl st in last lp previous motif, ch-2 (sc next, ch-2, sc) in ea ch-3 sp across, sl st sk dc lp row 1.
Rep next motif until you have enough made to cross the top edge of the top and form two straps.  Tack ea motif top and sew in place.  Make 2 more connected motifs and sew just under the top row of lace.  Make 1 last motif and sew under the row of 2.
ROW 1: With White crochet thread and E hook ch-129, sc 2nd ch from hook, sc ea ch across, ch-1, turn.  (128 sts)
ROW 2:  Sc next st, * Ch-3, sk 5 sts, (dc, ch-1) 4 times next st, dc same st, ch-3, * rep bet ** across ending last rep with ch-3, sk next 5 sts, (dc, ch-1) twice, last st, dc same st, turn.
ROW 3: (Ch-3, sc next ch sp) twice, * ch-1, sk next 3 ch, work (2 dc, ch-1, 2 dc) next sc, ch-1, sk 3 ch, sc next ch sp, (ch-3, sc next sp) 3 times * rep bet ** across ending with ch-1, sk 3 ch, 3 dc last sc (turn ch), turn.
ROW 4: Ch-3 (1st dc), 2 dc same sp as beg ch-3, * ch-2, sk 1 ch, sc next ch-3 arch, **, (ch-3, sc next arch) twice, ch-2, sk 1 ch, (2 dc, ch-1, 2 dc) next sp; rep for * across ending at **, ch-3, sc in turn ch, turn.
ROW 5: Ch-4, sc next ch-3 arch, * ch-3, sk 2 ch, (2 dc, ch-1, 2 dc) next ch sp, ch-3, sk 2 ch, sc next arch, ch-3, sc next arch; rep from * across ending with ch-3, sk 2 ch, 3 dc top turn ch, turn.
ROW 6: Ch-1, sc 1st st, * ch-3, sk 3 ch, (dc, ch-1) 4 times next arch, dc same arch, ch-3, sk 3 ch, sc next ch sp, rep from * across ending with ch-3, sk 3 ch, (dc, ch-1) twice in turn ch, dc in same turn ch, turn.
Rep row 2-6 for desired length + 1 rep of 2-6, fasten off.  With needle and thread sew 1st 6 rows ea end for sleeves.
Make a connected motif that will fit around the entire opening of shrug.  With needle and thread sew to shrug.