RND 11-15: Hdc ea st around, sl st top beg hdc, ch-1, turn.
RND 16: (Hdc dec next 2 sts) around, sl st top beg hdc, fasten off. (20 sts)
To make the doll’s body fold one chenille stem in half and insert fold in wooden head. Bend one side of the stem back up to the head (in half again) and twist together. Rep on other side. Find half way point on other chenille stem, fold ea end to center point. Lay doll on center, wrapping several times and twisting as you did for the legs. Glue head in place. Glue hat on top of head. Place the legs and arms you crochet over twisted stems.
With White thread & 7 Hook or White yarn & H hook ch-3, sl st to form a ring.
RND 1: Ch-1, work 12 hdc in ring, sl st top beg hdc, ch-1, turn. (12 sts)
RND 2: (2 hdc next st, hdc next st) around, sl st top beg hdc, ch-1, turn. (18 sts)
RND 3: * sc next st, (ch-1, turn, sc) 5 times, ch-1, turn, sl st in bottom 1st st made, sl st next st, sc next st, rep bet () 7 times, ch-1, turn, sl st in bottom 1st st made, sl st next st, * rep bet ** 4 times end with sl st fasten off.
With white worsted weight yarn and H hook rep rnd 1- 3 of small snowflake. Fasten off end rnd 3.
For ea doll as an ornament cut a 6” length of 1\4” wide ribbon. Knot both ends to make a lp. Glue knot to back of doll’s body. Or place the doll on a lg snowflake and add the ribbon lp.
ROW 1: With Sapphire Fun Fur and E hook ch-13, sc 2nd ch from hook, sc ea ch across, turn. (12 sts)
ROW 2: (Ch-5, sk 2 sts, sc next st) across, turn. (4 lps)
ROW 3: (Ch-5, sc next lp) across, turn.
Rep row 3 until you run out of yarn or the piece fits the Styrofoam wreath. It is designed to be stretched over the form so some of the white can show through the fun fur yarn. Use florist U pins to hold in place.
There are many combinations to make and here are a few:
You can either sew the snowmen kids tog hand in hand to create a garland or separate them with snowflakes either way you’re sure to get a beautiful garland.