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Patterns Written in US Terms
two sixth circles out of White Twinkle yarn.  Make three sixth circles out of Beautiful Burgundy yarn.
To put together, take a length of White Twinkle yarn, double yarn and knot leaving a small lp at one end.  With F hook, insert through center of circle, yo yarn and pull through in this order: One of ea circles 1-5, one burgundy 6, one white 6, one burgundy 6, one white 6, one burgundy 6, and one ea 5-1.  Double remaining yarn to make a lp and knot yarn as close to top of ornament as possible.  Trim off excess yarn.
You need to make two first circles, two second circles, two third circles, two fourth circles, two fifth circles and two sixth circles out of Beautiful Burgundy yarn.  Make three sixth circles out of White Twinkle yarn.
To put it together, take a length of burgundy yarn, double yarn and knot leaving a small lp at one end.  With F hook insert through center of circle, yo yarn and pull through in this order: one ea of circles 1-5, one white 6, one burgundy 6, one white 6, one burgundy 6, one white 6 and one ea circle 5-1.  Double remaining yarn to make a lp and knot yarn as close as you can to the top of the ornament.  Trim off excess yarn.