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Patterns Written in US Terms
With needle and thread sew short ends of sides together.  Sew long edges around each base matching colors and stuffing lightly.
ROW 1: With White and H hook ch-3, sc 2nd ch from hook, sc last ch, ch-1, turn.  (2 sts)
ROW 2: Working Bk Lps only, sc ea st across, join red, fasten off white, ch-1, turn.
ROW 3: Bk Lp sc ea st across, ch-1, turn.
ROW 4: Bk Lp sc ea st across, join white, fasten off red, ch-1, turn.
ROW 5: Rep row 3.
Rep row 2-5 until scarf fits around snowman’s neck and hangs down (about seven times) and fasten off.
Putting The Snowman Together:
With needle and thread sew the head to the body.  Sew one arm to ea side of body.  Flatten base slightly and sew rnd 4 of base to bottom of snowman.  Snowman should be able to stand on his own at this point.  Make a carrot nose out of the pumpkin clay and bake as directed.  After it has cooled, glue the nose to the center of the snowman’s face.  Using black fabric paint draw on the eyes and mouth, then dot each eye with gray fabric paint.  Place snowman on center of base and sew in place.  Rep rnd 1 of base and fasten off. This will make the snowman’s “peppermint” buttons.  Make two of theses “peppermints” and sew to center front of snowman.  Wrap scarf around neck.