© Dcollinsworth All Rights Reserved
Patterns Written in US Terms
Rep row 1-5 of long section.
ROW 6: Rep row 12 of long section.
ROW 7: Rep row 13 of long section.
ROW 8-9: (Sc next st, dc next st) across, ch-1, turn.
ROW 10: Rep row 24 of long section.
ROW 11: Rep row 25 of long section.
-Make in burgundy or blue.
With needle and matching yarn sew the long scarf section along snowman’s neck and trailing out onto the pillow.  Rep with short section attaching it to the long section to form the scarf.
With no-sew glue, randomly glue snowflake sequins to the pillow.  With the fabric paint make 2 eyes for the snowman and cut out and glue button and a nose.
Sew back to front, stuffing pillow before closing.
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