© Dcollinsworth All Rights Reserved
Patterns Written in US Terms
ROW 1: With white yarn and H hook ch-7, sc 2nd ch from hook, dc next ch, (sc next ch, dc next ch) twice, ch-1, turn.  (6 sts)
ROW 2: (Sc next dc, dc next sc) across, ch-1, turn.
Rep row 2 until piece will fit around the outside edges of snowman, place both ends tog and sl st to form a lg lp.
With needle and yarn, sew one side of the lp just made around the outer edge of one snowman.  Rep for the other side of the snowman, stuffing and closing pillow.

ROW 1:  With burgundy yarn and H hook ch-9, sc 2nd ch from hook, dc next ch, (sc next ch, dc next ch) across, ch-1, turn.  (8 sts)
ROW 2: (Sc next dc, dc next sc) across, ch-1, turn.
ROW 3-4: Sc next st, dc dec next 2 sts, sk next st (sc next dc, dc next sc) across, ch-1, turn.  (6 sts)(4 sts)
ROW 5-64: Rep row 2.
ROW 65-66: (Sc, dc) next 2 sts, (sc next dc, dc next sc) across, ch-1, turn.  (6 sts)(8 sts)
ROW 67: Rep row 2.  At the end of row 67 fasten off.

With burgundy yarn cut two 6” lengths of yarn.  Fold yarn in half, insert hook in one st bottom edge of scarf, yo and pull through lp of folded yarn, insert cut ends of yarn in lp and pull tight.  Rep this in every st across ea end of scarf.

Tie scarf around snowman’s neck.  Using the patterns cut out three buttons and one nose out of felt and glue to the face and body.  Make the eyes using fabric paint.  Glue or sew several snowflake sequins onto snowman pillow and scarf.
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