© Dcollinsworth All Rights Reserved
Patterns Written in US Terms
1 skein 4ply Red Heart yarn in Light Blue, small amounts of 4 ply yarn in Navy and Soft White, H hook or hook to obtain gauge and needle to take yarn and two 3” diameter brass rings.
GAUGE: 4 sc, dc sts = 1”, 3 rows pattern = 1”, 4 sc = 1”, 4 rows sc = 1”. 3 hdc = 1”, 3 rows hdc = 1”
FINISHED SIZE: 6” X 13” (purse)
ROW 1: With Blue and H hook ch-35, sc 2nd ch from hook, (dc next ch, sc next ch) across to last ch, dc last ch, ch-1, turn.  (34 sts)
ROW 2: (Sc, dc) next 2 sts, (sc next dc, dc next sc) across to last 2 sts, (sc, dc) last 2 sts, ch-1, turn.  (38 sts)
ROW 3: (Sc next dc, dc next sc) across, ch-1, turn.
ROW 4: Rep row 2.  (42 sts)
ROW 5: Rep row 3.
Hobo Purse with Straps Free Crochet Pattern
By Donna Collinsworth of Donna’s Crochet Designs