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Patterns Written In US Terms
end with sl st top beg hdc in Green, ch-1, turn.  (42 sts)
   RND 5: (Hdc next 7 sts, drop Green, pick up White, hdc next 7 sts, drop White, pick up Green) 3 times, end with sl st top beg hdc, White, ch-1, turn.
   RND 6: (Bk Lp hdc next 7 sts, drop White, pick up Green, bk lp hdc next 7, drop Green, pick up White) 3 times, end with sl st top beg hdc in Green, ch-1, turn.
   RND 7: Rep rnd 5.
   RND 8: (Hdc next 7 sts, drop White, pick up Green, hdc next 7, drop Green, pick up White) 3 times, end with sl st top beg hdc in Green, ch-1, turn.
   RND 9: Rep rnd 5.  End rnd 9 fasten off.
   -make 2.
   Rep rnd 1-3 of ball.
   RND 4: (Hdc next 5 sts, drop White, pick up Green, hdc next 5 sts, drop Green, pick up White) 3 times, sl st top beg hdc, fasten off.
   -make 2.
   One half of the Slinky has already been cut if not, count the rings on the Slinky and find the halfway point, cut Slinky there.  Remove ring from other end of Slinky so you will have two cut ends.
   Insert one cut end of the Slinky into the last rnd on one bottom, twist until several rings are to the other side if the bottom.  Sew rings to bottom to hold.  Rep on other end.
   Stuff one half of the ball to rnd 6.  Sew one bottom to ball at this point so that the main body of the Slinky is to the middle.  Rep on other end.  You will now have a Slinky with both halves of the ball attached.  Rnd 9 of one ball half should easily cover rnd 9 on the other ball half to form an intact ball.