© Dcollinsworth All Rights Reserved
Patterns Written In US Terms
beg hdc, ch-1, turn.  (21 sts)
RND 50: Sc next 9 sts, hdc next, dc next, (2 trc next st, trc next st) 4 times, dc next st, hdc next st, sc remaining sts, sl st top beg sc, ch-1, turn.  (25 sts)
RND 51: Sc next 5 sts, hdc next, dc next, (2 trc next st, trc next st) twice, dc next, hdc next, sc remaining sts, sl st top beg sc, fasten off.  (27 sts)
RND 52: With iris and K hook join 1st st before ch of rnd 33, ch-1, sc same st as ch-1, sc ea st and ch around forming next leg, sl st top beg sc, ch-1, turn.  (35 sts)
RND 53-68: Rep rnd 35-51.
RND 1: With red and K hook ch-6, sc 2nd ch from hook, sc next 3 ch, 3 dc last ch, turn piece so you are now working across the bottom of foundation ch, sc ea ch across, sl st top beg sc, ch-1, turn.  (11 sts)
RND 2: 2 sc next st, sc next, hdc next, dc next, 2 trc next, 3 trc next, 2 trc next, dc next, hdc next, sc next, 2 sc last st, sl st top beg sc, ch-1, turn.  (17 sts)
RND 3: 2 sc next st, sc next 4 sts, 2 sc next 6, sc next 3, 2 sc next 3, sl st top beg sc, fasten off.  (27 sts)
With needle and thread sew music box\button to under side of the toe of one shoe in a spider wed fashion, just enough to hold music box in place.  Firmly stuff entire body.  With needle and yarn sew one sole to the bottom of ea shoe.  With K hook ch-75 in Iris, fasten off.  Rep with mango.  These will be the string for the shoes.  With your hook thread the strings over and under sts to resemble lacing like a shoe.  Tie strings into bows.
ROW 1: With Carnation and K hook ch-22, sc 2nd ch from hook, sc ea ch across, ch-1, turn.  (21 sts)
ROW 2: Dc 1st st, (ch-1, dc next st) across, ch-1, turn.
ROW 3: Sc 1st st, (5 dc next ch-1 sp, sk next st, sc in next ch-1 sp) across, fasten off.
With needle and yarn sew collar around clown’s neck with opening in back.
With Carnation and K hook ch-3, sl st to form a ring.
RND 1-3: Rep rnd 1-3 of head.
RND 4: Insert one squeaker into button, (sk next st, sc next st) around, sl st top beg sc, fasten off.
Sew ea button to clown along front.
With mango and K hook ch-3, sl st to form a ring.
RND 1-3: Rep rnd 1-3 of head.
RND 4: (2 sc next st, sc next 2 sts) around, sl st top beg sc, ch-1, turn.  (24 sts)
RND 5-12: Sc ea st around, sl st top beg sc, ch-1, turn.
RND 13: (Sk next st, sc next st) around, join white, sl st top beg sc, ch-1, turn, fasten off mango.  (12 sts)
RND 14-16: Sc ea st around, sl st top beg sc, ch-1, turn.
RND 17: Sc next 3 sts, sk next, sc next 3, sk next, sc next 4, sl st top beg sc, ch-1, turn.  (10 sts)