© Dcollinsworth All Rights Reserved
Patterns Written In US Terms
ROW 11: Sc next st, * sc next 4 sts, Bpdc next st, sc next 5 sts, rep from * 9 times, sc last st, ch-1, turn.
ROW 12: Rep row 8.
ROW 13: Rep row 9.
ROW 14: Rep row 6.
ROW 15: Rep row 7.
ROW 16: Rep row 4.
ROW 17: Rep row 5.
ROW 18: Rep row 2.
ROW 19: Rep row 3.
ROW 20: Sc next st, * Fpdc next st, sc next 9 sts, rep from * 9 times, sc last st, ch-1, turn.
ROW 21: Sc next st, * sc next 9 sts, Bpdc next st, rep from * 9 times, sc last st, ch-1, turn.
ROW 22-41: Rep rows 2-21.
ROW 42-61: Rep rows 2-21.
ROW 62: Rep row 2.
ROW 63: Rep row 3.
ROW 64: Sc ea st across, ch-1, turn.
ROW 65: 2 sc next st, (sk next st, sc next 7 sts) 11 times, sc last 3 sts, ch-1, turn.  (82 sts)
ROW 66: Sc next st, (sk next st, sc next 7 sts) 10 times, sc last st, ch-1, turn.  (72 sts)
ROW 67: Sc next st, (sk next st, sc next 6 sts) 10 times, sc last st, ch-1, turn.  (62 sts)
ROW 68: Sc next st, (sk next st, sc next 5 sts) 10 times, sc last st, ch-1, turn.  (52 sts)
ROW 69: Sc next st, (sk next st, sc next 4 sts) 10 times, sc last st, ch-1, turn.  (42 sts)
ROW 70: Sc next st, (sk next st, sc next 3 sts) 10 times, sc last st, ch-1, turn.  (32 sts)
ROW 71: Rep row 64.
ROW 72: (Sk next st, sc next 3 sts) across, ch-1, turn.  (24 sts)
ROW 73-77: Rep row 64.
ROW 78: (2 sc next st, sc next 5 sts) across, ch-1, turn.  (28 sts)
ROW 79: Rep row 64.
ROW 80: (2 sc next st, sc next 6 sts) across, ch-1, turn.  (32 sts)
ROW 81: Rep row 64.
ROW 82: (2 sc next st, sc next 7 sts) across, ch-1, turn.  (36 sts)
ROW 83-86: Rep row 64.  At the end of row 86 fasten off.
With needle and yarn sew sides tog.  Glue top around head portion of doll making sure not to include her shoulders.
With Mint and E hook ch-3, sl st to form a ring.
RND 1: Ch-1, work 8 sc in ring, sl st top beg sc, ch-1, turn.  (8 sts)