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Patterns Written in US Terms
With black and G hook ch-19, sc 2nd ch from hook, * sc next ch, hdc next ch, 2 dc next ch, 2 trc next ch, 2 dc next ch, hdc next ch, sc next ch *, sc next 2 ch, rep bet ** once, sc last ch, fasten off.
With needle and yarn sew around base of hat, closing the brim.  Fold the ribbon in half and knot.  With hook, pull ribbon through top of hat for the hanger.  Stuff the snowman’s head.
Cut a 3” X 8” piece of cardboard.  Wrap the white yarn around the cardboard at total of 125 times.  Slid yarn off the cardboard and with a small length of yarn tie with a knot in the center.  With another length of yarn, measure down 2” from the top and wrap at this point, knot to secure.  Cut through ends of tassel.  Place glue on top of tassel and insert into the snowman’s body up to its head.  Let dry.  Fill the remaining spaces of the snowman’s belly with stuffing.
With a hold punch, punch 4 circles out of the black felt.  Glue two to the face for the eyes.  Cut the remaining two in half and glue on the face for the mouth.  Cut a 1\2” sq out of the orange felt.  Cut this sq in half.  Using only one of the triangles, beg at the pt and roll into a log.  Glue to hold.  Trim and glue to the face of the nose.  Cut a 1\2” X 12” piece of light blue felt.  Fringe ends and glue around neck.  Glue the 2 buttons to the snowman’s belly and the twigs at its side for arms.