© Dcollinsworth All Rights Reserved
Patterns Written in US Terms
ch) 7 times, (sc, dc) lof the foundation row, (sc, dc) next ch, (sc next ch, dc next ch) 7 times, (sc, dc) last 3, sl st top beg sc, ch-1, turn.  (44 sts)
RND 2: (Sc, dc) next 2 sts, * (sc next dc, dc next sc) 9 times, * (sc, dc) next 4 sts, rep bet **, (sc, dc) next 2 sts, sl st top beg sc, ch-1, turn.  (52 sts)
RND 3: (Sc, dc) next 2 sts, * (sc next dc, dc next sc) 10 times, * (sc, dc) next 6 sts, rep bet **, (sc, dc) next 4 sts, sl st top beg sc, ch-1, turn. (64 sts)
RND 4: (Sc next dc, dc next sc) around, sl st top beg sc, ch-1, turn.
RND 5: (Sc, dc) next 2 st, * (sc next dc, dc next sc) 12 times, * (sc, dc) next 8 sts, rep bet **, (sc, dc) last 6 sts, sl st top beg sc, ch-1, turn.  (80 sts)
RND 6: Rep rnd 5.
RND 7: (Sc, dc) next 2 sts, * (sc next dc, dc next sc) 13 times, * [(sc, dc) next 2 sts, sc next dc, dc next sc], rep bet [] 3 times, (sc, dc) next 2 sts, rep bet **, rep bet [], sl st top beg sc, ch-1, turn.  (96 sts)
ROW 8: (Sc next dc, dc next sc) 26 times, sl st next st, leave remaining sts unworked, ch-1, turn.  (52 sts)
ROW 9: Sl st next 4 sts, (sc next dc, dc next sc) 24 times, sl st next st, ch-1, turn.  (48 sts)
ROW 10: Sl st next 4 sts, (sc next dc, dc next sc) 19 times, sl st next st, ch-1, turn.  (38 sts)
ROW 11: Sl st next 10 sts, (sc next dc, dc next sc) 8 times, sl st next st, ch-1, turn.  (16 sts)
ROW 12: (Sc next dc, dc next sc) across, fasten off.
ROW 1: With black and H hook ch-7, sc 2nd ch from hook, dc next ch, sc next, dc next, (sc, dc) next 2, turn piece so you are now working across bottom of foundation ch, (sc, dc) next, (sc next ch, dc next ch) twice, join white, ch-1, turn, fasten off black.  (12 sts)
ROW 2: (Sc next dc, dc next sc) twice, (sc, dc) next 6 sts, (sc next dc, dc next sc) twice, ch-1, turn.  (18 sts) ROW 3: (Sc next dc, dc next sc) across, join buff, ch-1, turn, fasten off white.
ROW 4: (Sc next dc, dc next sc) 4 times, (sc, dc) next 4 sts, (sc next dc, dc next sc) 4 times, ch-1, turn.  (24 sts)
ROW 5: (Sc next dc, dc next sc) 4 times, (sc, dc) next 8 sts, (sc next dc, dc next sc) 4 times, ch-1, turn.  (32 sts)
ROW 6: (Sc next dc, dc next sc) across, fasten off.
RND 1-3: Rep rnd 1-3 of eye using buff yarn.  At the end of rnd 3, join coffee, fasten off buff.
RND 4-5: Rep rnd 4-5 of eye.  End rnd 5 fasten off.
With needle and brown yarn embroider a smile on the monkey’s mouth and two nostrils.  Sew mouth to head at center bottom.  Sew the eyes atop the mouth and ears atop the head.  Using the finished monkey head as a guide, trace around it onto the foam board.  Go back, re-tracing the outline 1\4” inside the original line.  With a craft knife cut out the shape from the foam board and glue the monkey head to it allowing the edges of the crochet piece to over-lap and cover the cut edges of the foam board.