© Dcollinsworth All Rights Reserved
Patterns Written in US Terms
ROW 82: Rep row 10.                   ROW 93: Rep row 9.
ROW 83: Rep row 9.                    ROW 94: Rep row 10.
ROW 95: Sc 1st st, sk next sc, sk next 2 dc, 5 dc next dc, sk next 3 dc, sk next sc, sk next dc, sc next dc, (5 dc next sc, sc 3rd dc) 5 times, 5 dc next sc, sc last st, turn.
ROW 96: Rep row 8.
ROW 97: Sc 1st st, (5 dc next sc, sc 3rd dc) 4 times, sk next 2 dc, sk next sc, sk next 2 dc, 5 dc next dc, sk next 2 dc, sk next sc, sk next dc, sc next dc, 5 dc next sc, sc last st, ch-1, turn.
ROW 98: Rep row 10.
ROW 99: Sc 1st st, 5 dc next sc, sc 3rd dc, sk next 2 dc, sk next sc, sk next dc, 5 dc next dc, sk next 3 dc, sk next sc, sc next dc, (5 dc next sc, sc 3rd dc) twice, 5 dc next sc, sc last st, turn.
ROW 100: Rep row 10.
ROW 101: Sc 1st st, (5 dc next sc, sc 3rd dc) twice, sk next 2 dc, sk next sc, sk next dc, 5 dc next dc, sk next 3 dc, sk next sc, sk next dc, sc next dc, 5 dc next sc, sc last st, turn.
ROW 102: Ch-3, work 2 dc in same st as beg ch-3, sc 3rd dc, (5 dc next sc, slide bead, sc 3rd dc) twice, 5 dc next sc, sc 3rd dc, 3 dc last st, ch-1, turn.
RND 103 (EDGING): Sc 1st st, (5 dc next sc, sc 3rd dc) 3 times, 5 dc next sc, sc last st, turn piece so you are now working across one long side, * 5 dc in side of dc(row), sc in side of next dc(row), * rep bet ** across side, turn to work bottom foundation ch row 1, (sc in bottom of 5 dc, 5 dc in bottom of next sc) across short side ending with sc, turn piece and work bet ** across last long side ending with 5 dc last dc(row), sl st top beg sc, turn.
RND 104: Ch-3, work 2 dc same st as beg ch-3, (sc 3rd dc, 5 dc next sc) around ending with 2 dc in same st as beg ch-3, sl st top beg ch-3, fasten off.
To make wrap larger add additional rep of pattern: Row 9\Row 8\Row 9\Row 10 making sure to end on a beaded row then pick up at row 95 and finish piece. To make wrap smaller remove one or more rep of pattern, then pick up at row 95 and finish piece.
String 120 pearl beads onto white yarn, remover needle. With white yarn and H hook ch-3, sl st to form a ring.
RND 1: Ch-1, (sc, slide bead, sc in ring) 5 times, sl st top beg sc, turn.  (10 sts)
RND 2: (Slide 5 beads, sl st next 2 sts) around, turn. (5 lps)
RND 3: Press beaded lps to bk of work, ch-1, (2 sc next st, sc next st) around, sl st top beg sc, turn.  (15 sts)
RND 4: sl st next st, (slide 5 beads, sl st next 2 sts) around, turn. (7 lps)
RND 5: Press beaded lps to bk of work, ch-1, sc next sc, (2 sc next, sc next) around, sl st top beg sc, turn.  (22 sts)
RND 6: (slide 5 beads, sl st next 2 sts) around, turn. (11 lps)
RND 7: Press lps to bk of work, sc ea st around, sl st top beg sc, fasten off. Sew motif to center front of wrap.  Sew snap to close wrap.