© Dcollinsworth All Rights Reserved
Patterns Written in US Terms
5, dc 3rd trc on next 5 trc group, rep from * 10 times, 5 trc next dc, dc top ch-4 of previous row, turn.
ROW 6: Ch-4 (1st trc), 2 trc same st as ch-4, * dc 3rd trc of next 5 trc group, 5 trc next dc, dc next arch, (ch-5, dc next arch) twice, 5 trc next dc, rep from * 10 times, dc 3rd trc of next 5 trc group, 3 trc last dc, turn.
ROW 7: Ch-2, dc same st, * ch-5, dc 3rd trc of next 5 trc group, 5 trc next dc, dc next arch, ch-5, dc next arch, 5 trc next dc, dc 3rd trc of next 5 trc group, rep from * 10 times, ch-5, dc top ch-4 previous row, turn.
ROW 8: * Ch-5, dc next arch, ch-5, dc 3rd trc on next 5 trc group, 5 trc next dc, dc next arch, 5 trc next dc, dc 3rd trc next 5 trc group, rep from * 10 times, ch-5, dc next arch, ch-2, trc last dc, turn.
ROW 9: Ch-2, dc same st, sk ch-2, ch-5, dc next arch, ch-5, dc 3rd trc on next 5 trc group, * 5 trc next dc, dc 3rd trc on next 5 trc group, (ch-5, dc next arch) twice, ch-5, dc 3rd trc on next 5 trc group, rep from * 9 times, 5 trc next dc, dc 3rd trc on next 5 trc group, (ch-5, dc next arch) twice, turn.
Rep rows 2-9 for a total of 10 times.  Do not fasten off.
RND 1: Turn so you are now working the side of the afghan, Ch-1, sc evenly around afghan, sl st top beg sc, ch-1, turn.
RND 2: Ch-1, * hdc next st, sk 2 sts, 5 trc next st, sk 2 sts, rep from * around, sl st top beg hdc, turn
RND 3: Ch-3, 4 trc same st as ch-3, * hdc 3rd trc of next 5 trc group, 5 trc next hdc, rep from * around to last 5 trc group, hdc 3rd trc of that group, sl st top beg ch-3, turn.
RND 4: Ch-1, sc same st as ch-1, * ch-3, sc next st, ch-4, sc next st, rep from * around ending with ch-4, sl st top beg sc, fasten off.
Fold under 1\4” hem on all four sides of lining material.  With needle and matching thread, sew wrong side of lining to wrong side of afghan.  Cut the 3\8” ribbon into 12” lengths.  Thread onto needle, into the center of one sq, pull ribbon through from back of material to front and tie into a bow.  Scatter bows randomly, across afghan.