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Patterns Written in US Terms
ROW 118-121: Rep row 3.
ROW 122-123: Rep row 85.  (110 sts)(112 sts)
ROW 124-127: Rep row 3.
ROW 128-129: Rep row 85.  (114 sts)(116 sts)
ROW 130-165: Rep row 3.
ROW 166-183: Rep row 69.  At the end of row 183 (80 sts)
ROW 184: (Sc next dc, dc next sc) 20 times, leaving remaining sts uworked, ch-1, turn.  (40 sts)
ROW 185-195: Rep row 3.
ROW 196-205: Rep row 69.  At the end of row 205 fasten off, (20 sts)
ROW 1: With H hook join Buff end st of row 83, ch-1, sc same st, dc next st, (sc next st, dc next st) 19 times, ch-1, turn.  (40 sts)
ROW 2-22: Rep row 185-205 of body.
ROW 1: With H hook join buff at end row 96 of body, ch-1, sc same st as ch-1, (dc end next row, sc end next row) 19 times, dc end next row, leave remaining uworked, ch-1, turn.
ROW 2-5: (Sc next dc, dc next sc) across, ch-1, turn.
ROW 6-18: Sc next sc, dc dec next st sts, sk next st, (sc next dc, dc next sc) across, ch-1, turn.  Fasten off end row 18, (14 sts)
ROW 1: With K hook join chocolate chenille end row 1 of body, ch-2, evenly work a dc in end of rows 1-24, evenly work sc in end ea row 25-82, leave remaining unworked, ch-1, turn.
ROW 2: 2 sc 1st st, sc ea sc, dc ea dc across to last 2, dc dec last 2 sts, ch-1, turn.
ROW 3: Dc dec next 2 sts, dc ea dc, sc ea sc to last 2 sts, 2 sc last 2 sts, ch-2, turn.
ROW 4: 2 dc next st, dc ea st across to last 3 sts, dc dec next 2 sts, sk last st, ch-2, turn.
ROW 5: Dc dec next 2 sts, dc across to last 2 sts, 2 dc last 2 sts, ch-2, turn.
ROW 6: 2 dc next st, dc next 43 sts, dc dec next 2 sts, sl st next st, leave remaining sts unworked, turn.
ROW 7: Sk 1st sl st, sl st next 10 sts, dc dec next 2 sts, dc ea st across to last st, 2 dc last st, turn so you are now working down the sides of previous rows, 2 dc end ea row, sl st corresponding st on buff, fasten off.
Rep on other side.
ROW 1: With K hook and chocolate ch-6, sc 2nd ch from hook, sc next 3 ch, 3 dc next ch, turn piece so you are now working across the bottom of the foundation ch, sc ea st across, join antique white, ch-1, turn, fasten off chocolate.  (11 sts)
ROW 2: Sc next 4 sts, 2 dc next 3 sts, dc next 4 sts, ch-1, turn.  (14 sts)
ROW 3: Sc next 4 sts, 2 dc next 6 sts, sc next 4 sts, fasten off.  (20 sts)