© Dcollinsworth All Rights Reserved
ROW 8: Rep row 3.
ROW 10: Hdc 1st st, (FINPTH next st, hdc next st) across, fasten off.
-Make 6.  Sew tog to form a cube, stuffing as you sew.  Sew body to neck and head or robot.

RND 1: With Red and H hook ch-14, sl st to form a ring, ch-1, sc ea ch around, sl st top beg sc, ch-1, turn.  (14 sts)
RND 2-13: Bk Lp sc ea st around, sl st top beg sc, ch-1, turn.
RND 14: (Sk next st, bk lp sc next st) around, join Periwinkle, fasten off Red, sl st top beg sc, ch-1, turn.  (7 sts)
RND 15: Sc ea st around, sl st top beg sc, ch-1, turn.
RND 16: 2 sc ea st around, sl st top beg sc, ch-1, turn.  (14 sts)
ROW 17: Sc next 7 sts, leave remaining sts unworked, ch-1, turn.  (7 sts)
ROW 18: Sk 1st st, sc next 4 sts, sk next st, sc last st, ch-1, turn.  (5 sts)
ROW 19: Sk 1st st, sc next 2 sts, sk next st, sc last st, ch-1, turn.  (3 sts)
ROW 20: Sc 1st st, sk next st, sc last st, fasten off.  (2 sts)
ROW 21: With Red and H hook join in 1st free st end row 17, ch-1, sc same st as beg ch-1, sc next 6 sts, ch-1, turn.  (7 sts)
ROW 22-24: Rep row 18-20.  End row 24 fasten off.
-Make 2.  With needle and matching yarn sew the sides of the “hand” tog to form a claw or V shape.  Sew one arm to ea shoulder on robot.

RND 1: With Red and H hook ch-20, sl st to form a ring, ch-1, sc ea ch around, sl st top beg sc, ch-1, turn.  (20 sts)
RND 2-15: Bk Lp sc ea st around, sl st top beg sc, ch-1, turn.  End rnd 15 fasten off.
-Make 2.  Sew to bottom of robot body, stuffing legs lightly.